Monday, July 18, 2011

Lake Wishon

We spent the weekend camping with friends at Lake Wishon, nestled in the Western Sierra. It was a long drive, especially because Wyatt started asking after we'd been driving about ten minutes, "How many more minutes until we are there?" every minute or so. Our time at the lake was nice and Wyatt and Garett took a few nature walks that included multiple scorpion, termite, and centipede sightings. I was hooked on a hilarious book shared by a friend so I missed the nature walks.
Wyatt loves putting things up to his face when he sees me holding the camera. I am trying to embrace this stage.
We found a little snake at the lake and Wyatt carried it around with him looking for the perfect spot to throw it back into the lake.

My favorite part of camping is soaking in the beauty of God's creation. I also happen to love sleeping outdoors and sitting around a campfire. It's so much work getting things together for a camp trip but it's nearly always worth it. Wyatt absolutely loves all of it and that also helps make it even more enjoyable.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Sitting in my hotel room next to Ben laughing and trying not to wake the kids! That is one giant pinecone. And Garett has a beard. I'm still processing.