Friday, July 22, 2011

Carrot Coma

The good thing is that he loves pulling up carrots and eating them immediately.

The bad thing is that he needed a nap by 9am this morning but this picture was taken at 5pm when he finally crashed. It was a long day that included a 45 minute sob-fest thanks to not having the right spoon for breakfast.


Jen said...

Oh I am dying....this picture will go in his wedding video. Persevere friend! Everything is a stage and you will be trying to wake him up in time for school before you know it. Praying you through this week and next.

Molly said...

Wow, Amy. This picture brought me happiness and comfort at the same time. It sounds like it was a terribly rough day. Good for you for seeing the brighter details when it was all done. You are such an inspiration!

Kristin M. said...

Such a cute photo. Cora had a MAJOR issue over her choice of forks last week. Just about did me in.