Friday, February 18, 2011


This morning over breakfast, Wyatt and I got in a conversation about the car accident I got in over a year ago. He asks me about it often because he likes to hear the details. Today, however, his questions took a twist.

"Mommy, where is that car that hit you?"

I answered and he proceeded to tell me about how he wants to battle the car. He wants to find the car and use his gigantic excavator and turn on the levers and dig a humongous hole and dump the car into it so it will be eaten by gophers and broken forever.

"Why do you need to battle the car, Wyatt?"

"I need to protect you, Mommy. I will save you."

While I do not consider myself to be a woman who requires extra protection, this warmed my heart.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I have a lump in my throat, thanks for sharing this.